Wednesday, December 29, 2010
all is right with the world
The cookie jar has been filled, the moon and stars have aligned and all is right with the world. A full cookie jar is a quick way to make Dreamy James a happy camper. And I figured that since he has gutted and is redoing our bathroom, he deserves some cookie goodness. According to Dreamy James there is only ONE type of cookie and that is the classic Chocolate Chip Cookies. In fact, he loves them so much that instead of cake at our wedding we had chocolate chip cookies. That's right folks....I made roughly 45 DOZEN chocolate chip cookies. The freezer was packed and Dreamy James had a very difficult time staying out of it. Little did he know I had planned on his weakness and made several extra dozen just for him....but shhhhh...don't tell him!
The recipe I always use comes from a book called, Alpha-Bakery Children's Cook Book, which is produced by Gold Medal flour. The inside cover of the book says "1988 Happy 5th Birthday Danae and Happy Cooking, with Love, Grandpa & Grandma Unruh" It makes my heart happy every time I pull this cookbook out and use it. It's filled with sweet memories of hours spent with my Grandma baking up a storm. the spirit of cookie goodness, let me pass this recipe on!
Chocolate Chip Cookies
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup packed brown sugar
2/3 cup margarine or butter (but I always use butter flavored crisco - try it, trust me it makes all the difference)
1 egg
1- 1/2 cup flour
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup chopped nuts (I never put them in, but feel free if ya fancy that sort of thing!)
1 package (6 oz) chocolate chips (I always eyeball this, sometimes you just need more than 6 oz of chocolate in your life)
1. Heat the oven to 375 degrees.
2. Mix the sugars, crisco and egg, next mix in the flour, baking soda and salt. Last mix in the chocolate chips.
3. The dough should be stiff enough that you can roll the dough into balls.
4. Bake for 10 - 12 minutes until golden brown
5. One recipe will make about 24 cookies.
6. Scarf them down and enjoy! :)
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
nothing says Christmas like....
Saturday, December 18, 2010
oh my stars...where have I been?!
BUT...before I get into all of that, I hope everyone has a wonderful and blessed Christmas and New Years!
Sunday, August 15, 2010
dreamy james....

Thursday, July 29, 2010
a great thing about mom...
A few weeks ago I found myself with an abundance of zucchini, so I decided to make some zucchini bread! I had several loaves made and decided to share with my mom. Before I handed the loaf over I thought I'd better do a taste test...dang I just hate when I have to do a taste test! Anyways, I took a slice and it was pretty tasty. Here's the great thing about mom...even though there was a chunk of bread missing out of her loaf, she was still excited and happy and couldn't have cared less. It's just one of the things that I love about my mom...she is usually one of the most positive and happy people I know. She can put a positive spin on any situation, which can be annoying at times, but in the end I always appreciate it.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
baking with a two year old....
This is Aiden, my nephew, who always keeps things interesting. Recently, we did a little baking together and I learned a few things....
1 - Even though he's only two, he's still gonna get hacked when you don't let him use the scissors to open the package of mix.
2 - All kids, no matter what the age, know exactly what to do when you hand them a spatula covered in batter.
3 - A batter covered spatula is one of the few things that he will take his pacifier out of his mouth for.
4 - He likes to move the lever on the mixer, don't try to help him, don't even think about trying to help him...he'll get hacked.
5 - Even when he gets hacked, throws a little bit of a fit because I tried to help him, gets covered in batter, drips batter all over the kitchen floor....he's still, hands down the best and cutest help I've had in the kitchen for a long time!
Saturday, July 10, 2010
from the pond with love...
Every year at the pond we play a game of Pond Baseball. It's basically baseball but in the pond, the batter hits the ball at the shore then instead of running to the bases they swim to the bases. The ball must land in the water for it to be fair, and the team that is in the outfield can start on dry land before getting the ball. It's usually a pretty intense and entertaining game, the siblings in families have to be split up on different teams so there is no fighting and there is a lot of smack talk. This year, for the first time in about 25 years there was talk of no pond baseball game. BUT - have some debating about the proud tradition that has begun and how the next generation who has started playing needs a good example, everyone geared up in their old cutoffs and t-shirts and played the game in the rain! There would be NO rain delay for the Unruh 4th of July Pond Baseball game! (imagine emotional music building when you read that last sentence)
We all skipped out a day early from the festivities because everyone was soaked and sick of the damp. It was a ton of fun and I'm pretty sure everyone is already excited about next year! :)
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
the pond...
Monday, June 28, 2010
harvest time...
Friday, June 25, 2010
Thursday, June 24, 2010
pee earring....
On the last night of our honeymoon we decided to treat ourselves to a "fancy" dinner. We are from a small town in Kansas, so a fancy dinner is a big deal to us. We did some looking and found just the place, we could tell it was fancy because when we walked it you could hardly see anything because of the fancy mood lighting. We looked over the menu and Dreamy James decided on a buffalo steak and I picked salmon. It was great, there was the appetizer, main course and we splurged and shared a yummy gooey chocolate dessert.
As we were waiting for our check to come I decided I'd run to the little cowgirl's room. As I entered I noticed there were two stall, one was occupied so I entered the handicap stall. Now, I'm no expert but this was one strange handicap stall. The lever to flush was on the far side against a wall, so to push the lever, you had to reach across the toilet. This might not seem like important information, but just trust me, it is. So I used the restroom, stood up and then reached to flush. As I'm in mid-reach and about to pull the lever, I hear the *splash plink* of my earring hitting the water and floating to the bottom of the porcelain.
I stood there for a moment staring at the toilet, and wondering what am I supposed to do?! CRUD! Then I started to wish that my Grandma could come back from the grave just for a minute to reach her hand into the toilet and get my earring back. Once when my sister and I were little, my Grandma had been over for her weekly hair appointment with my mom. We had been playing with a bouncy ball and one of us had bounced it in the dinning room and somehow that bouncy ball had gone into the bathroom and landed in the toilet. We were both so grossed out that my Grandma, bless her heart, had done what any wonderful grandma would do, she reached into the toilet for our ball.
Once I realized Grandma probably wasn't going to make an appearance I decided I better weigh my options. I could just flush it, but then I thought this is a NEW pair of earrings and I love them, I can't leave one behind! Then I thought maybe my new husband would come to rescue as my knight in shinning armor, but I thought it might be hard to explain why a guy was in the woman's bathroom. So, I thought, "Danae, someday you want to be a mom, and mom's have to do WAY grosser things than touch their own pee, so just suck it up and do it!" Without thinking I pulled the ring of my hand and plunged it into the dreaded pee water. I shook my hand off, decided that the earring WAS worth it and then went and washed my hands at least 10 times.
As I walked to the table I thought about whether or not to tell Dreamy James about the little pee earring situation. I decided that there was no time like the honeymoon to figure out if he was really serious about those vows we had said a few days earlier. Lucky for me he just laughed, shook his head, rolled his eyes and said "oh my gosh....." But for some reason he wouldn't hold hands with me the rest of the evening.